Eine Reihe von Theater- und Schreibworkshops
September 2021 bis Februar 2022
Künstlerische Leitung: Adelheid Schulz & Giuliana Kiersz
Bita, Nur, Nurollah, Mardin, Fateme, Azadeh N., Ghazal, Behrouz, Azadeh F., Khushmurad, Baran, Reza, Roya, Nazire, Ali
In Kooperation mit Chloroplast Stuttgart e.V.
What is the distance between places? What is the distance between where we are and where we were? How could we measure this distance? Through words? Through drawings? Through the objects that we left or took along the way?
Non-place was a series of writing and performance workshops held in and with the community of Chloroplast. We gather twice a month to write and perform the stories of our places, reflecting on how we could build a space that holds our memories and histories.
We wrote true stories and imagined others. All of them can be seen in Chloroplast through a walk.
© Giuliana Kiersz
© Giuliana Kiersz
Gefördert durch den Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg